The things around you just need a visionary and sharp focus to reuse them in home garnishing projects. The concrete blocks have been filled up with potting soil and a lovely self made garden is ready to make your home look beautiful and shiny with desired nature of plants in them.
Fix the plastic bottles just close to the root hairs of your lovely fruit plants and make some random holes. Now use the bottle mouth to add water and it will reach directly to the root hairs to maintain necessary moisture for synthesis of plant growth compounds. The idea is terrific and splendid as one out of thousand.
Change the behavior of your old disk and bottles to make a planter set up in beautiful glittered appearance. Cut he bottles in halves and fix the upper part on the disk with inverted position and leave the lower part as it is, and here are your tow beautiful planter for table and table garnishing plans.
Old shampoo bottle can do a lot supporting and helpful but it depends upon whether you are going to throw it in your home garbage or making it a target to apply some ingenious techniques and ideas. If you have the 2nd opinion then choose this idea to hold up you phone charger protectively.
Here is a cluster of ideas which have been intelligently and cautiously supervised to do a favor in home table adornments by taking use of old and worthless glass bottles. They can be pass though through wooden piece to serve as both the tables legs and decorative source for beauteous and engrossing charm.